Al - Araby Al - Jadeed interactive podcast activity at the Doha International Bookfair

Al - Araby Al - Jadeed participated in the 33rd edition of the Doha International Book Fair, held in the Qatari capital, with 500 publishing houses representing 35 countries across 29,000 square meters. Al - Araby Al - Jadeed had a distinguished presence at the event, contributing significantly to the exhibition's media scene.
Throughout the ten-day exhibition, Al - Araby Al - Jadeed booth attracted numerous visitors and media enthusiasts. One of the highlights was the interactive podcast activity at their pavilion, which allowed visitors to experience presenting their dialogue skills under the spotlight.
The exhibition provided Al - Araby Al - Jadeed with an excellent opportunity to introduce its website, goals, and media mission as a leading Arab media outlet. It also facilitated meetings with several prominent visitors, writers, and journalists.